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GK for competitive exams-stars

                                 "GENERAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD OF SCIENCE" 
                                     ( For the preparation of competitive exams & govt exams )                                                                                        GK for competitive exams-stars

                             THE WORLD OF STARS

                                                             THE WORLD OF STARS


      The world of "stars"  A star is a huge, luminous ball of gas and plasma held together by gravity. All-stars begin from clouds of cold molecular hydrogen. The gas circles through space in cosmic dust clouds called nebulae. 
In time, gravity causes these clouds to condense and collect into a ball that continues Nebulae are giant clouds 
of dust and gas where new stars are born and old ones die.
The life cycle of a star:
1. Gases and dust collect.
2. They form a new star with a hot core.
3. A main-sequence star (like our Sun) shines for 10 billion years.
4. It cools into a red giant.
5. Finally, all that is left is a smaller, hotter white dwarf.

.The world of "stars"; Their are88 constellations; the largest of them being hydra (The Water Snake) which
 extends over 3.158%  of the sky.

star; Ursa Major (The Great Bear) is a constellation visible throughout the year in most

 of the northern hemisphere.

Attachments area
                                                                         THE WORLD OF STARS

General question &answer on topic of  The world of "stars"

1.  what's the name of our Galaxy?                                      - Milky Way

2. What are the dark patches on the sun called?                    -Sunspots

3. What are the large congregations of stars control           - Galaxy

together by force of Gravity known as?

4. What reaction results in the assembly of                             -Nuclear reactions

energy within the sun?

 5. Which planet is named the Hesperus(evening star)?      - Venus

6.  How long will the sunshine of the sun                              -8 Minutes

reach the earth?

7. How many times is  the sun larger than all                          - 740

the planets place along?                                    

8. what's the common distance of the sun from                    -150 million km

the earth?                                             

9. How does the sun seem from Pluto?                                   - A bright star

10.  Name the largest planet?                                                  -  Jupiter

11 What does one decision a star that becomes terribly      - Black Hole

dense and doesn't enable even the sunshine to


12. what's the cluster of objects rotating between                 - Asteroid Belt

Mars and Jupiter?

13. Which   is that the sole planet which tilts 90°                  - Uranus

on its axis?

14.what's the form of star spectrum?                                    - VIBGYOR

15. What the unit of measuring between                               - Light years

planet & stars?


                                    star can`t

                                                      shine without


                                                      ***THE WORLD OF STARS ***


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