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GK for competitive exams-STORY OF SPACE

                               "GENERAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD OF SCIENCE" 
                                     ( For the preparation of competitive exams & govt exams )                                                     
                                     GK for competitive exams-space
                                          WORLD OF SCIENCE

                                                                 1.STORY OF SPACE

                                                                                                            STORY OF SPACE 
                                                   STORY OF SPACE


WORLD OF SCIENCE  A space station or orbital station is a manned satellite designed to remain in low Earth  
orbit for a long period. It allows other spacecraft to dock to it and serves as a base for astronomical observations.
The only space station currently in orbit is the International Space Station (ISS). Its construction started in 1998
 with a collaboration of 16 nations: the United States, Russia, Canada, Japan, Belgium,  Brazil, Denmark, France, 
Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the  United Kingdom.

 space; Floating about 240 miles above Earth's surface, theInternational Space Station has hosted a rotating
international  crew since November 2000. Assembled in sections, it measures over 73m across its solar panels
 and is over 52 m  long, with a visiting Progress ferry craft docked to it. The ISS circles the Earth every 90 minutes.

SPACE; The first space station was the Soviet Salyut 1, launched in April 1971. By 1982, six more Salyut space
stations had been orbited successfully. All the Salyut space stations have decayed and are no longer in orbit.

                                                                                     STORY OF SPACE 
                                            STORY OF SPACE

SPACE: The core module of the Russian space station Mir was launched in 1986. It was 13.13 m long, 4.2 m wide
and weighed 21 tonnes. It had six docking ports to which other modules or visiting spacecraft could be attached. 
Five modules, each weighing between 10 to 20 tonnes were later attached one by one to Mir core. Before being
abandoned in 1999, Mir orbited the Earth 86,331 times.

space; The record duration for a single spaceflight is 437.7 days, set by Valeriy Polyakov aboard Mir from 1994
 to 1995.
*Amazing but true!
The ISS is the largest manned object ever sent
into space and the most expensive single
object ever built
*In March 2001, Mir fell to Earth, the largest
spacecraft ever to decay, showering an
estimated 1,500 fragments of 20 kg or more
over an uninhabited area in the South Pacific.
*The American space station Skylab launched
in 1973, had problems with a solar panel.
Hence, the crew had to put up a 'sunshade' to
keep it cool. Skylab burned up in the
atmosphere in 1979.

space; On April 28, 2001, American millionaire Dennis Tito became the first space tourist when he paid around
20 million dollars for a ride in a Russian Soyuz spacecraft. He had to train for 900 hours just to be a passenger

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                                                                            STORY OF SPACE    
                                   STORY OF SPACE

General question & answer on the topic of space

1. Which was the world's first artificial satellite?           - Sputink I

2. Name the dog which went into space in                    - Laika
3. Name the First American artificial satellite?              -Explorer 1
4. Which artificial satellite gave the earth the                -Luna
photographs of the moon?
5. Who was the first man in space?                              -Yuri Gagarin
6. Name the launching Pad of Russians?                     -Baikonur
7. Name the spacecraft in which Yuri Gagarin              -Vostok-1
went into space?                                                           
8. Who was the first lady to go into space?                   -Valentina Tereshkova
9. Who walked in space for the first time?                     -Alexei Lenov in 1965
10. Name the spacecraft which landed the
first man on the moon?                                                  - Apollo - 11
11. What are the space stations called as?                    -Skylabs-American
                                                                                       - Salyuts - Russians
                                                                                         -Mir - Russians

12. Name the first space shuttle?                                    -Enterprise            
13. What is the meaning of the Russian space               -Peace                 
station 'Mir'? -                                                                                                         

14. In which space station did Rakesh Sharma              - Salyut - 7
of India work?                                                                    

15. What is the network of unmanned satellite
W orbiting the earth called?                                              -GPS Global Positioning System

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