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GK for competitive exams-Our earthOUR EARTH
The Earth's axis is an imaginary line that extends from its physical North Pole to the physical South Pole. A tilt of about 23.5 degrees in the Earth's axis causes the seasons. Earth takes 23 hours, 56minutes, and 4 seconds to complete one rotation. The first time people got a glimpse of the whole Earth was in December 1968. Apollo 8 astronauts, en route to the Moon, took pictures of the Earth rising above the horizon of the Moon The Earth orbits the Sun at an average speed of 67,000miles/hour and takes 365.26 days to complete one revolution. Hence we calculate a year
on Earth as 365 days, and the .26 days add up to an extra day every four years, called a leap year.
Statistics of earth
Temperature Range -69° C to 58° C
Winds -483 km/hr
Moons - One (The Moon)
Average Distance from Sun -149,597,870 km
OUR EARTH; Every once in awhile the Sun ejects tons of energetic particles into space. Some of these particles interact with the Earth's outer atmosphere, and create colorful, moving curtains of light in the night sky near one of the Earth's poles. This light is called aurora.
Earth is that the third planet from the Sun and also the fifth largest planet within the scheme with the best density. it's presently the sole proverbial location wherever life is gift.
The realization that Earth may be a planet, and a planet among several others was established “fairly” recently, within the seventeenth century – this realization came through by the combined forces of ancient philosophers, mathematicians, and astronomers.
Plato properly deduced that the planet is spherical however this idea would settle and be evidenced abundantly later.
The name “Earth” – is a minimum of one.000 years recent, and it's a Germanic word that merely interprets to “the ground.” it's not proverbial WHO came up with it however it's the sole planet that wasn’t named once a Greek or Roman god.However, the Greek love Earth is Greek deity – terra ma – mother Earth, and the Roman equivalent was Tellus – the fertile soil.
Earth is calculable to possess fashioned around four.5 billion years past – nearly common fraction of the age of the universe – through accretion from the star nebula.
Earth is that the third planet from the Sun, at a distance of one AU or 147 million metric linear unit / ninety-one million mi.
It is the fifth-largest planet within the scheme, being the biggest of the terrestrial planets.
It has associate degree equatorial radius of half-dozen.371 km / 3.958 mi, and a polar radius of half-dozen.356 km / 3.949 mi, which means it's not fully spherical however rather bulged at the equator thanks to the rotation.The Earth incorporates a diameter of twelve.742 km / 7.917 mi.
Earth incorporates a mass of regarding half-dozen.6 sextillion tons and a volume of regarding 260 billion three-dimensional miles / one trillion three-dimensional kilometers.
The expanse of Earth is regarding 197 million sq. miles / 510 million sq. kilometers.
Around seventy-one of the surface is roofed by water and twenty-ninth by land.
The water is third-dimensional contemporary and ninety-seven preserved. Of that third-dimensional fresh, over two is frozen in ice sheets and glaciers that means that but Chronicles is freshly found in lakes, rivers, and also the underground.
In regards to land, the continent of Asia covers regarding half-hour of all the land, having around hr of the world’s population.
The atmosphere of Earth consists of roughly seventy-eight atomic number 7, 21% oxygen, 0.97% chemical element and dioxide and regarding zero.04% alternative gases and vapor. The mixture of gases is often referred to as air.
The thickness of the atmosphere is regarding sixty miles / ninety-six kilometers.
The atmosphere of Earth is split into half-dozen layers: layer, layer, mesosphere, layer, exosphere, and part.
The highest temperatures on Earth will reach up to over a hundred and ten degrees physicist / forty-eight degrees astronomer, and also the lowest around -126 degrees physicist / -88 degrees astronomer, perhaps even lower.
Earth has the best density out of all the planets within the scheme – five.51 g/cm³ – and a gravity of nine.807 m/s² or one g.
This suggests that the Earth’s core is solid, manufactured from iron and nickel regarding 759 miles / one.221 kilometers in radius. The temperatures at the core are calculable to be around nine.800 degrees physicist / five.400 degrees astronomer. this can be hotter than the surface of the Sun.
Together with the inner core, Earth conjointly has associate degree outer core, with the crust being the mantle and also the thickest layer. it's a viscous mixture of melted rock regarding one.800 mi / 2.900 metric linear unit thick and has the consistency of caramel.
The outmost layer – Earth’s crust – goes regarding nineteen mi / thirty metric linear unit deep on the average toward land. however, at very cheap of the ocean, the crust is dilutant and extends regarding three mi / five metric linear unit from the seafloor to the highest of the mantle.
Earth has only 1 satellite – the Moon – and one or two of temporal artificial satellites.
Earth’s axis is canted twenty-three .5 degrees from the plane of its orbit around the Sun. the lean varies between twenty two.1 and 24.5 degrees, inflicting seasons and even chaotic seasons. It changes positions once each forty.000 years.
Earth completes a rotation/day – from West to EST – once each twenty-three .9 hours. One orbit/year – a visit round the Sun – is completed among twelve months.
Earth’s magnetic field acts as a defense against the star and cosmic particle radiation. it's the form of a tear-drop reaching thirty-six.000 mi / fifty-seven.936 metric linear unit into the house, and it's one amongst the explanations life has managed to develop.
Since precedent days the planet was tutored to be in the middle of the Universe with the opposite celestial objects orbiting around it. Some believed that the planet was flat, whereas the traditional Greeks like Plato properly deduced that the planet was a sphere.
Later, within the seventeenth century, astronomer ascertained and discovered Jupiter which it had moons of its own, which Venus went through phases just like the Moon.
Observations continued, ideas wedged and at last, it absolutely was established that Earth was a planet among several others. The name of our planet came from the Anglo-Saxon word “erda” and also the Germanic word “erde” – they each mean soil or ground.The Anglo-Saxon version of those words became “eor(th)e” or “ertha”, that later remodeled into “Earth.” several alternative languages use some style of variation or naming of their own such as Aarde, Terre, Tera, Jorden, Nchi, Bumi, and lots of additional. we tend to WHO inhabit Earth are often remarked as Earthlings, Earthers, Terrans or Gaians.
The Earth is believed to possess fashioned around four.5 billion years past. The length for this formation has been calculable to possess lasted regarding ten to twenty million years.

General question & answer on our earth
1. What type of water is present on Earth? -97% Salt Water &
3% Freshwater
2.What is the Diameter of the Earth at the Equator? - 12,756 Km
3. Who are the inhabitants of the Tundra region? -Eskimos
4. What is a Lithosphere? -The top crust of the Earth
5. What is the shape of the Earth? -Oblate Spheroid
6. What is the age of the Earth? -Around 4.6 Billion Years
7. Which lake is called Sea? -Caspian Sea
8. Where are the days and nights equal - At the Equatorthroughout
the year?
9. What is the land surface in the total area of - 30%
10. What is the region of mountains on Earth -Rain Shadow Region
that receives very little rainfall?
11. What velocity should a Rocket have in order -8 km per second
to overcome Earth's gravity and rise up?
12. What is the line beyond which snow never -, Snow Line
13. How many volcanoes are there in the world? - App. 850 C to
14 Which is the longest day of the year? - June 21st
15 What is the density of Earth? -5.517 times that of water
3% Freshwater
2.What is the Diameter of the Earth at the Equator? - 12,756 Km
3. Who are the inhabitants of the Tundra region? -Eskimos
4. What is a Lithosphere? -The top crust of the Earth
5. What is the shape of the Earth? -Oblate Spheroid
6. What is the age of the Earth? -Around 4.6 Billion Years
7. Which lake is called Sea? -Caspian Sea
8. Where are the days and nights equal - At the Equatorthroughout
the year?
9. What is the land surface in the total area of - 30%
10. What is the region of mountains on Earth -Rain Shadow Region
that receives very little rainfall?
11. What velocity should a Rocket have in order -8 km per second
to overcome Earth's gravity and rise up?
12. What is the line beyond which snow never -, Snow Line
13. How many volcanoes are there in the world? - App. 850 C to
14 Which is the longest day of the year? - June 21st
15 What is the density of Earth? -5.517 times that of water
*** OUR EARTH ***
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