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GK for competitive exams-the Universe

                                 "GENERAL KNOWLEDGE FOR THE WORLD OF SCIENCE" 

                                     ( For the preparation of competitive exams & govt exams )               

                       GK for competitive exams-the Universe 

                                  THE UNIVERSE

                                                                            THE UNIVERSE
                               Image result for thought on universe

universe; A galaxy is a huge congregation of stars held together by the force of gravity. Galaxies are dotted around the spider web of the Universe like islands. Our Solar System is part of the Milky Way, which belongs to the Local Group of galaxies. The neighboring Andromeda Galaxy is the largest galaxy in this system, followed by the Milky way The Local Group has about three dozen galaxies.

 universe; Although Indian mathematician-astronomer Aryabhata and Greek philosopher Aristarchus of Samos had speculated on our Universe being Sun- centric or heliocentric, it was Polish astronomer Nicolaus
Copernicus (1473-1543) who predicted it mathematically

The universe  There's no single theory that explains how and why the Solar System formed, but the currently accepted theory says that it happened about five billion years ago. Many scientists believe that the solar
System evolved from a giant cloud of dust and gas (the solare which then began to collapse under the weight of its own gravity. It did so, the matter in this cloud began moving or spinning circle, much like the water in a drain moves around its center whirlpool. At the center of this spinning cloud, due to intense pre and heat, a small star or 'protostar' began to form. This protostar or spinning in a giant

 The universe; Our Earth revolves around the Sun, and the Sun is the center galaxy, known as the Local Group of galaxies. This group is being gravitationally pulled towards a larger system of galaxies, known as the Virgo Cluster. Our galaxy is part of a vast system of dust, gas stars and millions of galaxies. The most commonly accepted theory that explains the origin of the Universe as we know it, is the Big Bang Theory. According to it, the Universe had its origins in a massive explosion 12-14 billion years ago, creating huge lumps of gas and matter that slowly cooled. As the Universe grows older, the matter thins out, as the galaxies expand outwards. Stars are still forming with the original hydrogen from the Big Bang. There is a finite amount of hydrogen that exists and once it's gone, all the stars will stop shining. Astronomers are not quite sure about the future of our Universe.

                                           Image result for thought on universe

General knowledge question & answer on the topic universe

1. What is the path of the Earth around the                            -Orbit
sun called?

2. In which unit is the distance between                                 -Light years
planet & stars measured?

3.  How big is the Sun compared to the moon?                      -400 Times

 4. Why does Sun appear red during sunrise or                     -Scattering of Light

 5. What is the meaning of the word planet?                          -Wanderers

6. Which is the nearest star to our solar system?                  -Proxima Centauri

7. What is the motion of the Earth on its own axis                 -Rotation

8. What do you call the sun and the                                      -Solar System
planets together?

9. What is the name of our galaxy?                                       -Milky Way

10. Which is the biggest planet of our solar system?            -Jupiter

11.  In which direction does the Earth rotate around             -West to east
it's axis?

12. What is the meaning of the word 'Comet'?                     -Long Tail

13.  What is the belt of huge rocks between                        -Asteroid Belt
Mars and Jupiter called?

14. Which is the planet closest to earth?                             -Mars

15.  In how many days does the moon go round                 -27 days
the Earth?

                                                           ***THE UNIVERSE***


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