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GK for competitive exams-seasons

                               ( For the preparation of competitive exams & govt exams )                    
                                                                  GK for competitive exams-pluto
                          Image result for seasons
Earth’s tipped axis causes the seasons. Throughout the year, completely different elements of Earth receive the Sun’s most direct rays. So, once the North Pole tilts toward the Sun, it’s summer within the hemisphere. And once the pole tilts toward the Sun, it’s winter within the hemisphere.

It's all regarding Earth's tilt!
Many people believe that Earth is nearer to the sun within the summer which is why it's hotter. And, likewise, they assume Earth is farthest from the sun within the winter.

Although this concept is sensible, it's incorrect.
It is true that Earth’s orbit isn't an ideal circle. it's a small amount lop-sided. throughout a part of the year, Earth is nearer to the sun than at different times. However, within the hemisphere, we have a tendency to ar having winter once Earth is nighest to the sun and summer once it's farthest away! Compared with however remote the sun is, this modification in Earth's distance throughout the year doesn't create a lot of distinction to our weather.
Image result for seasons

There is a unique reason for Earth's seasons.
Earth's axis is associate fanciful pole going all over the middle of the Earth from "top" to "bottom." Earth spins around this pole, creating one complete flip day by day. that's why we've day and night, and why each a part of Earth's surface gets a number of every.

Earth has seasons as a result of its axis does not arise straight.

But what caused Earth to tilt?
Long, long ago, once Earth was young, it's thought that one thing huge hit Earth and knocked it off-kilter. thus rather than rotating with its axis straight up and down, it leans over a small amount.

Cartoon of an enormous object striking Earth, sound out huge chunks of fabric that become the long run Moon and tilting the Earth's axis.
By the way, that huge issue that hit Earth is termed Titaness. It conjointly blasted a giant hole within the surface. That huge hit sent a large quantity of dirt and scrap into orbit. Most scientists assume that that scrap, in time, became our Moon.
As Earth orbits the sun, its tipped axis invariably points within the same direction. So, throughout the year, completely different elements of Earth get the sun’s direct rays.

Sometimes it's the North Pole tilting toward the sun (around June) and generally, it's the pole tilting toward the sun (around December).

It is summer in a Gregorian calendar month within the hemisphere as a result of the sun's rays hit that a part of Earth a lot of directly than at the other time of the year. it's winter in December within the hemisphere, as a result of that's once it's the South Pole's communicate be tipped toward the sun.

Earth’s point of periapsis (point nighest to Sun) = ninety-one,400,000 miles from Sun

Earth’s point of apoapsis (point farthest from Sun) = ninety-four,500,000 miles from Sun

While that's a distinction of over three million miles, relative to the whole distance, it isn’t a lot of.
 seasons                            Image result for seasons
In most cultures, as well as all western countries, the year is often divided into four seasons:

*Fall or season

Question & answer on topic ;seasons
1. At what angle is earth's axis inclined?                            -66.5

2. What is the result of earth's tilting towards the sun?       -Seasons

3. Which season do we experience when the sun is
directly over the equator?                                                     -Spring

4. Which season do we have when the sun is over
Tropic of Cancer?                                                                 -Summer

5. What season do we get when the sun is at the Tropic
of Capricorn?                                                                        -Winter

6. What do we call the dates when the day and
night are equal?                                                                     -Equinoxes

7. When do we have vernal Equinox?                                   -March 21 st

8. When do we have autumnal Equinox?                              -September 23 rd

9. What do we call the time when the difference
between the length of days and nights is largest?                  -Solstice

10. When does one experience Solstice?                               -June 21st &
                                                                                                 December 22 nd
11. When Earth comes between Moon & Sun, What is
it Called?                                                                                 -Lunar Eclipse

12. What do we call when the moon comes between the
Sun and Earth?                                                                        -Solar Eclipse

13. When Sun does not set throughout the 24 hours
what is it called?                                                                      -Midnight Sun

14. Which country is called the Land of the
Midnight Sun?                                                                         - Norway

15. Which part of the Southern Hemisphere
experiences the rare phenomena of Midnight sun?                 -Antarctica



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